

Bence`s wish has been fullfilled, thanks to Tchibo`s and Csodalámpa Alapítvány`s commited staff. He is now a happy owner of a great guitar and a belonging amplifier.

Tchibo was represented by Fodor Agnes at the donation. Bence got a pick and a guitar music-paper from her as a separate present.
Now everything is given for him to be able to learn how to play guitar. Also the family music band can be set up, as both Bence`s sibling and mother are playing on an instrument.

We hope you will enjoy playing guitar to the fullest and will go to the guitar lessons diligently.

Thanks to Tchibo Budapest Kft. `s leaders and staff for making Bence`s dream come true.

Ágnes Tatár and Edit Túri
Wish coordinators
Szeged, 19/07/2012


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