

Gergo came through his operation and half of his treatments. He wished for an X-Box, which he received from the Tchibo company, in the presence of Zoltán Tóth who was there as representative. All of this happened on a day of spring.

Our small team went to their apartment to deliver the long waited present. Gergo's parents and his twin siblings were at the handover as well. He was very escited and could hardly wait for the game to start up. We had to put our heads together for setting it up, and the process of installation was a bit challenging as well. One of the twins were always around us. At the end we succeeded to start it up and the game could finally begin!

Since then the X-Box became an every day activity and training for Gergo. Why a training? Becasue the Kinect gadget requires physical activity to get from one level to another. This time we cannot say that this game is not useful.

We're grateful for the managers and employees of the Tchibo Kft.

for helping Gergo's dream come true.

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Andrea Lengyel
Szeged, 18th of April


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