

The dream of Csenge, an aspiring chef, who studies cooking and tourism in a high school in Veszprém, was to meet with superstar chef, Gordon Ramsay.

Gordon Ramsay’s restaurants have collected 17 Michelin stars thus far during his career, including Restaurant Gordon Ramsay in London that has held 3 Michelin stars since 2001.

Mr Gordon Ramsay has graciously agreed to meet with Csenge and invited her to the shooting of the forthcoming series of Next Level Chef, a huge hit in the US. The filming takes place in Ashford Studios, close to Dublin, so Csenge, for the first time in her life, got on a plane to travel to Ireland for the meeting.

Her visit was truly thrilling!
She was allowed to sit on the side of the set and watch up close and personal how the jury of the cooking competition evaluated the dishes of the three teams and came up with the best dish of the remaining nine contestants. She could follow for about half an hour the filming of the show, how the professional, the social media and amateur chefs organized in teams listened to the three members of jury, Gordon Ramsay, Nyesha Arrington and Richard Blais as they provided feedback on their performance.
She could also check out the fascinating set of three kitchens on three different floors, each having a different level of sophistication.

Once the filming was over, Csenge was warmly welcomed by Mr. Ramsay and the two other members of the jury. Mr. Ramsay asked Csenge about her ambition and the meals she liked to cook most, and shared with her his lovely experience, visiting Hungary where he truly enjoyed the food and wines. They also exchanged gifts, and Csenge got a chef apron, signed by the world famous Chef. He gave a big hug to Csenge as they said good-bye. Csenge was over the moon!

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Mr. Ramsay’s assistant, Ms. Laura Giarusso who has kindly organized the visit with her colleagues, also showed her the set from behind the scenes and the control room where the work of numerous cameras was coordinated.

Padraig Humby, the owner of Chester Beatty Inn in Ashford has been so kind as to pick up Csenge from the airport and took her to the studio and neighboring Wicklow for a visit.

It was a wonderful experience, a memory of a lifetime for Csenge!

We would like to express our sincere thanks to SIr Gordon Ramsay for his kindness and also to the management of Intrum Zrt, Kühne+Nagel Kft., Plazmaszolgálat Kft. and to our private sponsors that made Csenge's dream reality.

Andras Horvai
Ashford (Wicklow}, October 03, 2023


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