

I though I would allow writing the riport of this wish-fulfillment to the most competent person in order to hear the story from his aspect.
My task is only to thank the students of Thomas Mann German School for providing the cat equipment and buying other useful things for the pet.

Andrea Mocsonoky
Kistarcsa, 13.04.2014.

Diary of Picur

  • Pécs, April 11, 2014

So, this is the end of the world! I have already heard from document films that according to the human nature some people can’t think and act rationally, but I have never thought that it could also happen to my reliable owner.

I was half asleep when I heard her talking to her girlfriend that I would be given as a present to a little boy who really wants a white cat (as if I'd be just a white kitten...) I also heard that someone from Budapest will come and take me on Friday afternoon.
I hope it was just a nightmare ...

  • Budaörs, 12 April, 2014.

It was a terrible night. I cannot remember I have ever experienced such a terrible thing.
Actually, yesterday afternoon two people came with a basket, and without asking me, but with the permission of my owner, they put me in the basket, and it took us for hours in a jolting big black box to arrive at a strange house.
I found there unknown scents and places, smaller and bigger persons trying to get pet me, but of course they could not get even near me.
As soon as I had an opportunity, I ran into a corner and turned my shapely hind quarters towards them to look at it if they want.
I got to eat and drink, even a cat toilet was given, but certainly I don’t yield to anyone...

  • Kistarcsa, 13 April 2014.

I have arrived! This morning, I did not think that I would find a home again, but there are miracles! I haven’t thought it a few hours earlier in that strange house where I found a perfect hiding place for the night. At that time I believed that I would spend the rest of my days there. This holy place was the rearmost corner of the kitchen cupboard, that could be approached by a small gap, and it seemed to be a really safe place.
I did not expect that the domestic "big man" breaks down the front of the furniture in the morning, mumbling many interesting words while the blonde woman is dancing restlessly around him and repeating that "Get it out, because we have to go ..."

How good it was that finally I was taken out of it. I have to admit that I was terribly wrong when I believed that I had been captured by animal kidnappers who wanted my life and honor.

Fortunately, I was not even close to the truth. After a short drive we arrived at a different place where two other strangers were waiting for us (as it turned out they were waiting only for me!) with great love. They let me alone in the box for a time to look around (the only annoying thing was a strange black animal, like me who was continuously going around me and trying to frighten me).

However, after a while I was taken out of the box and I could get to know my new friend, my new owner, Zsolti, who is ill and lying in a big white bed and I have already known that he needs me too, in order to continue his fight against the illness.

From now on I will also take care of him, and I have already reserved my place at his feet (although I fear that I will have a little conflict with the black rival for the place), and from there I can keep a close watch on him in order to save him from the attack of his enemy, the Disease!


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