

Kada –for they call this boy that– wished for a robodino from Csodalampa. He also specified that he wished for a remotly controlled robot.

On the 24th of August we were accompained with the representative of the donator, Mrs Nikolits, Magdolna, we took the present to Kada. He had no idea why we wanted to see him before his examination with a big box, but when he saw the front of the box he excitedly shouted:

“- I thought about exactly the same dino!!”

Finally he said goodbye to us with a big smile on his face and we hope this toy will help Kada through the process of healing.

We would like to say thank you to Födgázszállító Zrt. For their donation.

dr. Tiborné Jenei
Wish Coordinator
Budapest, 24/08/2012


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