

We hosted recently the co-workers of Fundamenta in the Wish-kithen at Corinthia Budapest Hotel. During the event we presented the activities of Csodalámpa, and among others we told about the wish of Hanka, who desired a „snug-like” sleeping bed. The team of Fundamenta liked the idea and undertook immediately to set up the furniture in the little girl’s room themselves. Some were helping in the transportation while others were waiting with their tools for the bed in the house. This afternoon was special for everyone, the co-workers of Fundamenta recollect:

The parents of Hanka were welcoming us, strangers very warmly and helpfully. Us, the „mechanic” team set up the bed that quickly and professionally like we do that every day. The smoothness was naturally due to the excellent organization. The result is a happy girl, who snugged herself into her new place immediately. It can not be described by words, the face and reaction of Hanka when her wish came true. .

Erika Putnoki and Zsóka Bartha
Fundamenta-Lakáskassza Zrt.
Budapest, 2012.04.21.

We would like to thank the co-workers of Fundamenta and managers of Corinthia Budapest Hotel that they contributed with their support to the wish coming true.


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