

Roland lives in a tiny village in Zala county with his parents and siblings. Since he really loves listening and playing music he asked the Csodalámpa Wish Fulfilling Foundation for a synthetisator.

On the quiet we arranged an appointment with his mother to grant his wish. At first Roland was surprised when I arrived, but when I told him that I was representing the Csodalámpa Wish Fulfilling Foundation, he started smiling. He was very excited when he opened his present. After the synthetisator was configured, he started playing right away. It was lovely listening to the music of this silent and nice boy while he was playing his new instrument.

We are grateful on Roland’s behalf as well!

The Földgázszállító Zrt. helped granting Roland’s wish.

Extra thanks to the Syncopa Hangszerbolt for the technical help and for Zita Hegyi for wrapping the gift!

We wish you Roland to get well as soon as possible!

Veress Ágota

Wish Coordinator

Murakeresztúr, 17.12.2011

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