

Viki has always loved horses.
Her mother told us that Viki has been drawing horses since the age of two, so she obviously asked for a horse now. Viki was dreaming about a pony she could play with, look after, feed and water and might be her friend for many years.

After discussing the circumstances of keeping a horse with Viki’s parents, we started to think about a way of finding a horse for Viki.

Fortunately Miklós Szabó, our kind supporter called us when he saw Viki’s wish on our website to tell us that his horse Bendegúz would be ideal for Viki.

Bendegúz is a wonderful black pony with a white star on his forehead.
He is very friendly, especially with children, so I immediately knew that we have found the best horse for Viki.

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To make Viki even happier, she received her present on Children’s Day. How did they like each other? The photos and Viki’s letter might give you the answer:

"Thank you very much for Bendegúz, you made one of my biggest dreams come true! I received him just a few days ago but he has already given me wonderful moments. Whenever it is possible I spend my time with him.
I have already walked him and even sat on his back after saddling him with the help of a friend of mine. My friend can ride a horse so she could really try Bendegúz and I sat on his back while he was being led.
I will learn how to ride a horse, so I can also do it on my own soon!"

After receiving Viki’s letter I talked to her on the phone and she invited us for a horse riding.
We really hope that we can visit them this year!

Éva Patzauer
28 May 2011

Many thanks to Szabó és Sáli Pónilovas Iskola

Thank you for the support of


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