

Virág is a smiley, happy seven year old girl from Nagykanizsa, her dream was a playground.
The representatives of the FGSZ Földgázszállitó Zrt. helped us fulfil the request. We found a perfect playground with a slide, swing, and monkey bar sin Balatonkeresztúr. We arranged the transporting with the parents. Originally we were to deliver it on the 17th of May.
Unfortunately the weather interfered. So the next date was the end of May, but then again we woke up to the bad weather. But this time we didn’t give up, we set of waited half an hour in the car for the rain to stop and finally we could hand the present over.
Virág was at her grandmother’s when we arrived, so exploiting her absence our colleagues fixed the toy together. Luckily while they were working it wasn’t raining. Finally, Virág arrived with her grandmother. The little girl could hardly speak at first she was so shocked, but after a few minutes passed by she took into possession the new playground.

Dear Virág have a happy time playing with your new present, and we hope you get well as soon as possible.

Thank you for the support of FGSZ Földgázszállító Zrt.

Ölvediné Fehér Mária
2010.05.31. Nagykanizsa


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