

When we arrived to the Bokay street children’s clinic Katrine’s mother was trying to convince her to drink the not too appetising medicine. However, when she saw us she immediately knew we are carrying her present so she quickly drank the daily medicine portion, before the Wonderlamp’s genie disappeared.

Katrine received her portable DVD player which she asked for because, she had just been through a serious kidney transplantation, and she knew that she had to spend weeks in hospital, but with the help of this new present the long days would fly past as moments.

We talked with her a little bit showed her how to use the machine and when she got enchanted by the world of Süsü the dragon we quietly slipped away!

On behalf of our Foundation, Katrine and her parents we would like to say thank you for the help of our sponsors!

Thank you for the support of AXA!

Lángh Zsófia,Réka Barabás
2010.07.07, Budapest


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