

On a gray, cold, rainy day on the first of June we set of to Adásztevel. Where Ákos a lovely three year old little boy, with the intervention of the Wonderlamp Foundation and the support of the Földgázszállitó Zrt., became a happy owner of a storage batterie, two person little car.

The little boy when we arrived was still sleeping. His mother and little sister greeted us with joy. His mother briefly told us about the struggle they had with the little boy’s illness. The moment Ákos received the gift his face lit up. Strenuously and gayly he played with the little car and in a few moments time he learned the usage.

Have a wonderful time playing with it, and thank you for the help and support of Sir László Késmárki the representative of Földgázszállitó Zrt.

Györgyné Ligetvári


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