

Ivó is treated in GYEK. He likes riding a bike, but he never had his own bike.

It was a surprise for him when I entered with a grey bike. The small children surrounded me in a circle except fro Ivó who watched the happenings from his bed.

When he actually realized that the beautiful bike is for him, he could not say anything due to the happiness. He just stared the ground and his eyes were covered by tears.

Dear Ivó!

We wish you to be finally recovered until spring arrive and then you can enjoy your new, extraordinary bicycle.

Zsuzsanna Csonka Tatár
regional leader
Miskolc, 21st of January, 2010

Ivó’s wish has been granted from the donation of the pupils, parents and teachers of the Budapesti Angol Nemzetközi Iskola.

Thank you for your support!


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